FY 2024 Narcoossee Community Development District Adopted Budget 1-2 3-9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table of Contents General Fund Combined Capital Reserve Fund Debt Service Fund General Fund Narrative O&M Assessment Allocation Chart Amortization Schedule - Series 2013 A-2 Debt Service Assessment Allocation Chart Amortization Schedule - Series 2013 A-1 Narcoossee Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget thru Next Projected Budget FY2023 6/30/23 3 Months 9/30/23 FY2024 IBRMneeatgveiinernnetnesuintneasgn Fceu nAdss Beasslamnecne*ts $$$ 4 12 69 ,,26 -4925 $$$ 3 83 69 ,,23 8660740 $$$ 2 9 ,9 2 -7667 $$$ 4 13 69 1,,,230466247 $$$ 4 53 30 ,,81 -3362 Total Revenues $ 445,938 $ 426,431 $ 30,243 $ 456,673 $ 483,968 Expenditures Administrative Supervisor Fees 6,000 $ 4,400 $ 2,400 $ 6,800 $ 6,000 $ FICA Expense 459 $ 337 $ 184 $ 520 $ 459 $ Engineering Fees 7,800 $ 3,223 $ 4,578 $ 7,800 $ 7,800 $ Assessment Roll 5,000 $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ Attorney 12,000 $ 14,873 $ 4,000 $ 18,873 $ 12,000 $ Annual Audit 2,995 $ 3,050 $ - $ 3,050 $ 3,150 $ Dissemination Agent 1,250 $ 938 $ 313 $ 1,250 $ 1,325 $ Arbitrage 600 $ 600 $ - $ 600 $ 600 $ Trustee Fees 3,000 $ 1,728 $ 1,235 $ 2,963 $ 3,000 $ Management Fees 49,320 $ 36,990 $ 12,330 $ 49,320 $ 52,279 $ Information Technology 1,500 $ 1,125 $ 375 $ 1,500 $ 1,590 $ Website Maintenance 1,200 $ 900 $ 300 $ 1,200 $ 1,272 $ Telephone 25 $ - $ 6 $ 6 $ 25 $ Postage 450 $ 1,059 $ 60 $ 1,119 $ 450 $ Insurance 28,049 $ 25,517 $ - $ 25,517 $ 35,364 $ Printing & Binding 200 $ 66 $ 50 $ 116 $ 200 $ Legal Advertising 1,900 $ 472 $ ` 472 $ 1,900 $ Other Current Charges 2,000 $ 1,006 $ 435 $ 1,441 $ 2,000 $ Property Appraiser 780 $ - $ 780 $ 780 $ - $ Office Supplies 50 $ 2 $ 13 $ 15 $ 50 $ Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 $ Contingency 274 $ - $ 274 $ 274 $ 274 $ Administrative Expenses 125,027 $ 101,460 $ 27,331 $ 128,791 $ 134,912 $ Maintenance NonaCrest Field Management 4,503 $ 3,378 $ 1,126 $ 4,503 $ 4,773 $ Landscape Maintenance 41,705 $ 32,431 $ 13,635 $ 46,066 $ 54,540 $ Irrigation Repairs 5,000 $ 903 $ 3,000 $ 3,903 $ 5,000 $ Lake Maintenance 4,385 $ 3,411 $ 1,137 $ 4,548 $ 4,775 $ Wall Repairs/Cleaning 2,500 $ 2,865 $ - $ 2,865 $ 2,500 $ Feature Lighting 1,000 $ - $ 250 $ 250 $ 1,000 $ Miscellaneous Common Area 5,000 $ 6,647 $ - $ 6,647 $ 5,000 $ Total Nona Crest 64,093 $ 49,635 $ 19,148 $ 68,782 $ 77,589 $ 1 Narcoossee Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget thru Next Projected Budget FY2023 6/30/23 3 Months ISFLLLCUMWriaaaoatreial knispivlVlglicdedlrtii ean niiRsMeM ltcoSaleisaao atapSnrpninatneee raieRtor egeMtesuelen/iptsagmaCl aiihCnnglieetrochtnisaeemnttnnignmiangnogcne Area $$$$$$$$$ 117 012 334457,,,,,,,,,255000137023001358009000688 $$$$$$$$$ 5 0 223358 ,,,,,,,1235669 2 -3144678062346775 $$$$$$$$$ 2 0 1122 ,,,,,52368 779 -4028825930256000 $$$$$$$$$ 9/30 17/ 201 223445 3,,,,,,,,56388999 7372345695090233460 $$$$$$$$$ FY2 0 1182 022 3345564,,,,,,,,,125000013027005667022002468 Total La Vina $ 121,551 $ 76,772 $ 31,096 $ 107,868 $ 131,554 IFLLNMriaaoreiknsinlgcdedaea s MMltPcliaaoaranepninnsee aRteo geMreuenvpsamae aiCnnieroctnseemtnmanocne Area $$$$$ 6 0 1444,,,,,304595001780002 $$$$$ 3 6 233 ,,,,6457 87023545896 $$$$$ 1 4 111 ,,,,6112 52244053560 $$$$$ 5 1 1344,,,,,235699357890246 $$$$$ 5 8 2445,,,,,525580001700003 Total Nona Preserve $ 75,240 $ 47,202 $ 18,639 $ 65,841 $ 75,583 FLLPiaaaeknrlcdede sMMlcsaa aGpinn e&at geM Henamainnectneetnance $$$ 2 5 12,,,769056949 $$$ 1 7 12,,,822428578 $$$ 7 ,3 47124229 $$$ 2 5 12,,,179516779 $$$ 2 9 13,,,218404837 Total Parcels G & H $ 30,332 $ 21,360 $ 8,483 $ 29,843 $ 34,198 Total Maintenance Expenditures $ 291,216 $ 194,968 $ 77,366 $ 272,334 $ 318,924 Other Sources/(Uses) Transfer Out to Capital Reserves $ 29,695 $ - $ 25,416 $ 25,416 $ 30,132 Total Other Sources/(Uses) $ 29,695 $ - $ 25,416 $ 25,416 $ 30,132 Total Expenditures $ 445,938 $ 296,428 $ 130,113 $ 426,541 $ 483,968 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures)* $ (0) $ 130,003 $ (99,871) $ 30,132 $ 0 * Reduced for First Quarter Operating Add: DiscouGnrNtoses &st AA Cssosselelssesscmmtieoennnsttss 6 % $$44$582238,,,889036468 2 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fu nd Budget Revenues: Maintenance Assessments a Tlhl eG eDnisetrraicl tO wpeilrla lteivnyg aa nndo nM-aadin vteanloarnecme Esxppeecinadl iatussreesss fmore nthte o fnis aclal lt yaexaarb.l e property within the District, to fund Beginning Fund Balance Represents the total funds estimated to be available at the beginning of the fiscal year. EXPENDITURES: Administrative: Supervisor Fees TThhee aFmlooriudnat S itsa btuasteesd aulploowns 5 e Sauchp ebrovaisrodr ms aetmtebnedri ntog r6e cBeoiavred $ M20e0e tpinegr sm deuertiinngg tnhoet ftiosc eaxl cyeeeadr .$ 4,800 in one year. FICA Expense cRheepcrkess.e nts the Employer's share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Supervisors Engineering Fees Tanhde Dprisetpraicrta’sti eonng fionre mero, nDtehwlyb Berorayr,d w mille beeti pnrgos,v rideviniegw ge innevroaicl eesn,g eitnce. ering services to the District, i.e., attendance Assessment Roll Expenses related to administering the annual assessments on the tax roll with the Orange County Tax Collector. Attorney eaTtnhcde. pDrisetpraicrta’tsi oleng afol rc omuonnstehl,l yK mE Leeatwin Ggrso, ruepv, iPeLwL oCp perroavtiindge sa gnedn meraailn lteegnaaln sceer vciocnetsr taoc ttsh, ea gDriesetrmicetn, it.se,. ,r aetstoelnudtiaonncse, Annual Audit PT uhbe lDici sAtcrcicotu ins trienqgu Fiirremd .a Gnrnauua &lly A tsos ococinadteusc tp aronv aiuddesit tohfi sit sse frinviacnec. ial records by an Independent Certified 3 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fund Budget Dissemination Agent The District is required by the Security and Exchange Commission to comply with Rule sGweohrvivceihcrne r.me leantetsa lt oM aadndaigteiomneanl rt eSpeorrvtiicnegs r–e qCueinretrmale nFtlos rfiodra u LnL-rCa, ttehde b Doinsdtr iiscstu’se bs.o nTdh eu Dnidsetrriwctr i1ht5ears(c, c)to o(n 2pt)rr-ao1cv2tie(dbde) w t(hi5ti)hs, Arbitrage aTAnh-2de SDsupisbetcmriiaictlt aAis sr rseeepqsosurmitr teeond tt t hoRe ea Dvneinsnuturaielcl ytB. hoanvdes .a nT ahreb Ditirsatgreic rt ehbiareted c Garlcauul a&ti Aonss oonc itahtee sD tisot rciacltc’su lSaetrei eths e2 0r1eb3aAt-e1 l&ia b2i0li1t3y Trustee Fees TTrhues Dteies tarti cUtS i sBsaunekd. TSehrei easm 2o0u1n3t Ao-f1 th &e t2r0u1st3eAe- f2e eSsp iesc biaals eAds soens tshmee angtr eReemfuenndti bnegt wBoenends U, Sw Bhaicnhk aanred htheeld D wistitrhic ta. Management Fees TA pnrohgetre pe laeiDmrmiasietttienroditnc wt,t foiirtn, ehaac n dGecivovievaerelst rr inseMipmnaogenr,n tairtgnaeeglc m,oM arenadnnditna ,a ggs Aesamcinscedtoin unttngr S atwiennrisgtvch ir c aiaebnnsidnn – ug A aColde famn uBtirdonaiaitls srFt.dr l a oMtriivedeea t,i snLegLrsCv,. i ca Tedshm eaisnsei sspterararvttii vcoeefs s ieanr cvMliucadenesa,, gbbeuumtd aegrneett Information Technology cGRooenpvfereerrnseemnncetisnn tcgao ls sMtesa r rvneialcagetesem,d etcnolo tt uhSdee r Dvsiitscoterrsia c–gt e’Cs einnseftorravrmli cFealstoi ro iandn asd,y L sLtseCem rpvsre,o rwvshi, diceshse ctinuhcreilsuteyd ,s ey absctuectmo aursne. t ninogt lismoifttewda troe ,v ideetco. Website Maintenance R sabecaecccpuokrrruedipstayesn n,a cetnestdc w.t hfGiiertohe vcw eCorahsnltalms pm teaeansristn ao1tlce8 Mina9ata, ennFdcal oegwr,e iumidtpahed nSamttt aeSotsenu,r itdtveooiscrc.ei unTsmg h– ee aCsnneetdn su terpmralvoal iiaFcndleotssar, i iinhdnioacns,l gutLi dLnteChg e spa inrtDoedi vs pditderoiermcfsto a’tsrhi mnew sareeneb ncsseeei wrtaevsa isclcseer,ss ews.a mteebedsn ittisne, Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage Metac.i ling of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, checks for vendors and any other required correspondence, Insurance TInhseu Drainstcreic At’lsli gaenncee r(aFlI lAia)b. FilIiAty s, ppeucbilaicli zoeffsi cinia plsr loiavbidiliintgy iannsdu rparnocpee rctoyv ienrsaugrea tnoc eg ocvoevrenrmageenst iasl pargoevnicdieeds. by Florida 4 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fund Budget Printing & Binding Printing and binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized envelopes etc. checks, stationary, Legal Advertising sTmehareivn iDcteeisnst artnihcctae ti cso arnreetqr uarceirtqesu dai rnteodd aa ndtoyv eobrttehi seaerd avvdaevrrietoriusteissd inn ofgot tirch eapstu mfbolaricy m bboein drtdehqilnuyg i,rB eoid.ea..r da umdeite tsinegrvs,i cpeusb, leicn ghienaereinrignsg, asnedrv aicney, Other Current Charges I ncludes bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that are incurred during the year. Property Appraiser rRoelpl raedsmenint itshtrea Ftiioscna. l Year 18 fees to be paid to the Orange County Property Appraiser for annual assessment Office Supplies GaTnhodve epDrrinsinmtrteeicnrt t tiaonlnc Meurra scn acarhgtaerrmidgeegsne stf o,S pre asrpuveipcrpe, lsfii el–es C ftohelnadtte rnraesl e,F bdlio tnrodi dbeaer,s pL, upLreCcn hpsar, opsevadipd ederus c rtlihinpegss ,te ha snee dfri vsocitcahele syr. esaurc, hin ocflfuicdei nsgu pcoppliieesr. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions Tonhley D eixsptreincst eis u rnedqeuri rtehdis t coa pteagyo arny faonrn tuhael Dfeiest troic tth. e Department of Economic Opportunity for $175. This is the Contingency Represents any other miscellaneous charges that the District may incur. Maintenance: NonaCrest Field Management T prhoev iDdies tfrieicltd cmuarnreangtelmy ehnats s ear vcoicnetsr.a ct with Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC. to 5 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fund Budget Landscape Maintenance The District currently has a contract with Yellowstone Landscape to provide Landscape speerrv yiceeasr ,i anpclpuldyien mg foewrtiinligz,e erd, agnindg p, blalonwtiningg a, nanpupalylsin. g pest and disease control chemicals t oM saoidn,t emnualncchein. gT ohnecsee Vendor: Yellowstone Landscape Annual Costs § Landscape Maintenance: Contract Cost of $4,545 monthly $54,540 § Total Costs $54,540 Irrigation Repairs Irrigation maintenance expenditures that may occur during the fiscal year. Lake Maintenance Ttwohe aeel dDl sti hsatenr idlca tak clegusar eirn,e shniedtlreyb Nihcaaidsr ciano gcoo,s ansnetrdea aCctlDg wDaei.t hcTo Ahneptsrpeol ilse aednr Avdi qcrueeams tiioncv cMalula.d n ea gmeomnethnlty, I inncs.,p wechtiicohn sp raonvdi dtere Laatkmee Mnta oinf taeqnuaantciec Vendor: Applied Aquatic Management, Inc. Annual Costs § Lake Maintenance: Contract Cost of $397.95 monthly $4,775 § Total Costs $4,775 Wall Repair/Cleaning The District will incur expenditures to maintain the wall. Includes cleaning and landscaping. Feature Lighting Replacement and repair of up light fixtures. Miscellaneous Common Area Miscellaneous common area maintenance expenditures that may occur during the fiscal year. LaVina Field Management Tprhoev iDdies tfrieicltd cmuarnreangtelmy ehnats s ear vcoicnetsr.a ct with Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC. to Landscape Maintenance Tspeehrrev yiDceeiassrt ,ri anicpctlp ucludyrienr megn fotewlryti inhligaz,se e rad, acgoninndgt p,r ablaclont wtwiniingthg a, Ynaenpluploalywlsin.s tg o pnees Lt aanndds dcaispeea stoe pcoronvtridole cLhaenmdisccaalps et oM saoidn,t emnualncchein. gT ohnecsee Vendor: Yellowstone Landscape Annual Costs § Landscape Maintenance: Contract Cost of $6,847.69 monthly $82,172 § Total Costs $82,172 6 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fund Budget Irrigation Repairs Irrigation maintenance expenditures that may occur during the fiscal year. Lake Maintenance The District currently has a contract with Applied Aquatic Management, Inc., which provide twmoea aeinldlt ste hnaean nldack eae. lsg ianes, idhee rNbaicrcidoionsgs,e ea nCdD Dal. g Taeh ecsoen sterrovl icaensd i nrcelmudoev aml.o n tThhlye ianmspoeucntito nasls aon din tcrleu Ladatekmse e Munnta soincfh taeeqnduauanltecidec Vendor: Applied Aquatic Management, Inc. Annual Costs § Lake Maintenance: Contract Cost of $422.04 month $5,064 § Total Costs $5,064 Utilities tThhee D Disisttrricictt. has electrical and water accounts with Orlando Utilities Commission for the areas maintained by Vendor: Orlando Utilities Commission Annual Costs § Reclaimed Water - $491/month $5,892 § Electric - $15/month $180 § Total Costs $6,072 Wall Repairs/Cleaning Funding for cleaning or needed repairs of La Vina District wall. Solvino Streetlighting The District funds the streetlights within the Solvino community. Vendor: Orlando Utilities Commission Annual Costs § Electric - $264/month $3,168 Capri Streetlighting The District funds the streetlights within the Capri community. Vendor: Orlando Utilities Commission Annual Costs § Electric - $363/month $4,356 Miscellaneous Common Area Maintenance Miscellaneous common area maintenance expenditures that may occur during the fiscal year. 7 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fund Budget Nona Preserve Field Management The District currently has a contract with Governmental Management Services – provide field management services. Central Florida, LLC. to Landscape Maintenance Tspeehrrev yiDceeiassrt ,ri anicpctlp ucludyrienr megn fotewlryti inhligaz,se e rad, acgoninndgt p,r ablaclont wtwiniingthg a, Ynaenpluploalywlsin.s tg o pnees Lt aanndds dcaispeea stoe pcoronvtridole cLhaenmdisccaalps et oM saoidn,t emnualncchein. gT ohnecsee Vendor: Yellowstone Landscape Annual Costs § Landscape Maintenance: Contract Cost of $4,875 monthly $58,500 Irrigation Repairs Irrigation maintenance expenditures that may occur during the fiscal year. Lake Maintenance Tcohnetsreo sl earnvdi creesm inocvlauld. e monthly inspections and treatment of aquatic weeds and algae, herbiciding, and algae Vendor: Applied Aquatic Management, Inc. Annual Costs § Lake Maintenance: Contract Cost of $401.10 monthly $4,813 Miscellaneous Common Area Maintenance Miscellaneous common area maintenance expenditures that may occur during the fiscal year. Parcel G & H Field Management pTrhoev iDdies tfrieicltd cmuarnreangtelmy ehnats s ear vcoicnetsr.a ct with Governmental Management Services – Central Florida, LLC. to Landscape Maintenance Tspeehrrev yiDceeiassrt ,ri anicpctlp uclduyiernr mgen foetwlryti inhligaz,se e rad, agcniondng tp,r blaalcontw twininigtgh a, nYanpeulplaolylwsin.s)g to pnees tL aanndd sdciaspeea steo cpornotvriodle c hLeamndicsacalsp teo M soadin, tmenualcnhcien. gT ohnecsee Vendor: Yellowstone Landscape Annual Costs § Landscape Maintenance: Contract Cost of $2,437.31 monthly $29,248 8 Narcoossee Community Development District General Fund Budget Lake Maintenance These services include monthly inspections and treatment of aquatic weeds and algae, herbiciding, control and removal. and algae Vendor: Applied Aquatic Management, Inc. Annual Costs § Lake Maintenance: Contract Cost of $150.21 monthly $1,803 Transfer Out – Capital Reserve Fund Represents projected excess funds above operating capital requirements in the General Fund. 9 Narcoossee Community Development District Adopted Budget Maintenance Assessment Calculation Subdivision Track Units Annual Gross Maintenance Per Unit FY23 Adopted Gross Maintenance Per Unit FY24 Street Lighting Supplement Assessment Total Adopted Gross Maintenance Per Unit FY24 Increase (Decrease) O&M LLNaaokVneian CNaroensat Preserve MiSraoCZlbvaieaipnlnlroaii KDHFCEBGGA SSSSSSCCMMFFFFFFoouu555577mmll000005ttmmii F//aOOmffffiiilccyee 16391112224045600122567706800017899004 $$$$$$$$$$ 13345566 03444444 4467899900..........11337899111222234455 $$$$$$$$$$ 14445555 11569999 0000002600..........01223333112222377966 $$ NNNNNNNN //////// AAAAAAAA 6967..4504 $$$$$$$$$$ 14445566 11556899 0000266700..........01223378112223677966 $$$$$$$$$$ 1444466 0046678009..........01129990011355889118 $$$$$$$$$$ 1 0 1233346663112235588,,,,,,,,,,901111289983366688999011345679 Total Gross Assessments $ 482,804 10 Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget thru Next Projected Budget FY2023 6/30/23 3 Months 9/30/23 FY2024 Revenues Assessments ICnatrerrye Fsto Irnwcaor m-d Te Sauxr Rpolulls $$$ 231267,,14 -3501 $$$ 22 391470,,,175113135 $$$ 2 3,,85 -7112 $$$ 23 131774,,,150184146 $$$ 231578,,58 -7844 Total Revenues $ 543,581 $ 542,359 $ 26,382 $ 568,741 $ 576,457 Expenditures Series 2013A-1 IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- -15 5/1/11 $$$ 1 333566,,,088077011 $$$ 1 333566,,,088077011 $$$ --- $$$ 1 333566,,,088077011 $$$ 1 433044,,,033077044 Series 2013A-2 IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- -15 5/1/11 $$$ 225335,,,000066033 $$$ 225335,,,000066033 $$$ --- $$$ 225335,,,000066033 $$$ 226011,,,055011066 Total Expenditures $ 309,868 $ 309,868 $ - $ 309,868 $ 311,779 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures)* $ 233,713 $ 232,491 $ 26,382 $ 258,874 $ 264,679 SSeerriieess 22001133AA--12 NNoovv 11,, 22002244 $$ $ 513119,,,785724789 Add: DiscoGurnNotesss t& AA Cssssoeelsslsesmmcteieonnnttsss $$33$132077,,,258578145 * Excess Revenues will be utilized to pay November 1 semi-annual interest payment. Narcoossee Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Fund 11 Narcoosseee Community Development District Series 2013 A-1 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance 0000000000111111111111111111115555555555////////////////////0000000000000000000011111111111111111111////////////////////2222222222222333333300112233445566778899 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1111111111 ,,,,,,,,,,0022445566 22335577990055559999003366889900005555550000000055,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000....................0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Prini 1111111112cp0445667889a0000005555l,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000 ----------..........00000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Inter e 1111112222223333 s 11222244555588994488t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,002233777777999911112222223344777799559900111111335577880066....................0000222222557777002200000055555555550055 $$$$$$$$$$$ Tot a 22222222222l0000000000044555667778,,,,,,,,,,,001122366880123444456700122255678...........0000225555700000000555 $ 1,825,000.00 $ 480,012.50 $ 2,474,158.75 12 Narcoosseee Community Development District Series 2013 A-2 Special Assessment Bonds Amortization Schedule Date Balance 0000000000111111111111111111115555555555////////////////////0000000000000000000011111111111111111111////////////////////2222222222222333333300112233445566778899 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 112233445555667777 001133445566778888 9900000055555555555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000....................0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Prinic p 6667788899a0000055555l,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000 ----------..........00000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Inter e 111111111122 s 11224466889922557799t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,112233335588225566991111223344440077889900223344558811333344....................1133556666771133778800333333558833558888 $$$$$$$$$$$ Tot a 11111l 00000 99999901122777799,,,,,,,,,,,235564567891457756777936888135688...........1127701178833555033588 $ 820,000.00 $ 301,781.25 $ 1,201,253.13 13 Narcoossee Community Development District Subdivision Track Units Annual Gross Debt Per Unit Total LLNaaokVneian CNaroensat Preserve FCEBGGAKDH SSSSSSCCMMFFFFFFoouu555577mmll000005ttmmii F//aOOmffffiiilccyee 16391112304560012577058001788004 $$$$$$$$$$ 1233334500001468 01111167 00..........11111289221133333900 $$$$$$$$$$ 1112334455D2333445667e,,,,,,,,,,0123445789b0224557899t 0111477789 Total Gross Assessment $ 337,855 Adopted Budget Debt Assessment Calculation FY2024 Adopted 14 Adopted Actual Projected Total Adopted Budget thru Next Projected Budget FY2023 6/30/23 3 Months 9/30/23 FY2024 ICTRnraetarvenrerysne fFsuetorer sIwnard Surplus $$$ 2 5219,,96 -5935 $$$ 284,4 - 8250 $$$ 25,4 -1 67 $$$ 2 8245,,44 812567 $$$ 2 6390,,11 -0342 Total Revenues $ 281,648 $ 284,505 $ 25,423 $ 309,928 $ 299,236 Expenditures CCaopntitinalg Penrocjyects $$ 3 9 4,,000000 $$ 1 3 1,,635608 $$ 25 ,3 45506 $$ 3 9 1,,080204 $$ 1 7 2,,000000 Total Expenditures $ 43,000 $ 15,018 $ 25,806 $ 40,824 $ 19,000 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ 238,648 $ 269,487 $ (383) $ 269,104 $ 280,236 Narcoossee Community Development District Adopted Budget Combined Capital Reserve Fund 15